Hard copies of the Parish Council Minutes are published on the Parish Council Notice Board in the Village Hall and in Rainworth Library but only after they have been approved by the Parish Council.

In addition the Minutes of Council meetings may
be accessed from the following links after approval by the Parish Council
at the following meeting.

These Minutes are written in Adobe ® Acrobat ® (.pdf) format. If you do not have an Acrobat® Reader it can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe website

Please note that items discussed in closed session (Private and Confidential) are not included in these published minutes. Please see the Council Meetings page for full details of these restrictions

Please note the council does not meet in either August or December which is why there are no minutes for these months.


Filter file list:  
File name Size Last changed
01 (12th January).pdf 24.4 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
02 (9th February).pdf 26.0 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
03 (8th March).pdf 19.4 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
04 (12th April).pdf 17.6 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
05 (10th May).pdf 24.4 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
06 (14th June).pdf 16.8 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
07 (12th July).pdf 18.4 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
08 (13th September).pdf 21.6 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
8-3-2012 Minutes.pdf 19.4 KB10/06/2024 13:26:46
8-3-2012.doc 38.5 KB10/06/2024 13:26:46
09 (11th October).pdf 147 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
9-2-2012.doc 45.0 KB10/06/2024 13:26:47
9-2-2012.pdf 26.0 KB10/06/2024 13:26:47
10 (8th November).pdf 84.5 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
10-5-2012 Annual Parish Meeting.doc 42.5 KB10/06/2024 13:26:37
10-5-2012 Annual Parish Meeting.pdf 24.4 KB10/06/2024 13:26:38
11-10-12.doc 27.0 KB10/06/2024 13:26:38
11-10-2012.doc 37.5 KB10/06/2024 13:26:39
11-10-2012.pdf 147 KB10/06/2024 13:26:39
12-1-2012.doc 43.5 KB10/06/2024 13:26:40
12-1-2012.pdf 24.4 KB10/06/2024 13:26:40
12-4-2012.doc 36.0 KB10/06/2024 13:26:41
12-4-2012.pdf 17.6 KB10/06/2024 13:26:41
12-7-2012.doc 38.0 KB10/06/2024 13:26:42
12-7-2012.pdf 18.4 KB10/06/2024 13:26:43
13-9-2012.doc 37.0 KB10/06/2024 13:26:43
13-9-2012.pdf 88.0 KB10/06/2024 13:26:44
14-6-2012.doc 37.0 KB10/06/2024 13:26:44
14-6-2012.pdf 16.8 KB10/06/2024 13:26:45
Annual Parish Assembly (5th October).pdf 133 KB10/06/2024 13:18:38
Annual Parish Assembly 10-5-2012.doc 32.0 KB10/06/2024 13:26:48
Annual Parish Assembly 10-5-2012.pdf 133 KB10/06/2024 13:26:48
Minutes 8-11-2012.doc 28.5 KB10/06/2024 13:26:49
Minutes 8-11-2012.docx 20.1 KB10/06/2024 13:26:49
Minutes 8-11-2012.pdf 84.5 KB10/06/2024 13:26:50